Plumeria Drakenwood

FFXIV RP Profile
OC Adapted for an FFXIV AU
DC: Crystal; Goblin


General info and interests of this overanxious lalafell.


Relationships, history, occupation, and other such shenanigans.


Screenshots or illustrations alike by me or my partner!


  • Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell (Fantasia'd from a Mandragora)

  • Age: 24

  • Gender: Nonbinary

  • Patron Diety: Nophica

  • Occupations: Weaver; Dancer (For self-defense, generally kept secret)

  • Relationships:

  • Interests

Triple Triad
Dance (in secret)

  • Likes

Guitar music
Quiet spaces
Collecting trinkets
Hot Chocolate

  • Dislikes

Heavy storms

  • Strengths

Attention to detail

  • Weaknesses

Brittle hands
Incredibly twitchy


  • Upbringing

Originally a Mandragora, Plume experienced anything but a quiet life once they'd sprouted up in Labarynthos. A visible anomaly, equal parts queen sprout and korrigan, they were given the name 'Plumeria' in regards to the large blossom. With all manner of questions regarding the sprout's appearance, they were put under direct observation by researchers and mammets alike.Such constant exposure unintentionally lent itself to picking up on the ways of Sharlyan spoken dialect. They would try to ask more about the world around them, about who they were and why others were so interested by them, but these questions were often met by nonsensical praise that they could speak at all- or dismissal towards them prying deeper about the outside world than they should.They would oft times sneak away to also speak with the Gleaners whenever they had a new haul of supplies to bring, yet would normally get dismissed in the same manner. At least, barring one such supplier.A Namazu of all things! He'd taken quite a fancy to the job with the excuse to explore many of the far reaches of Eorzea, but even more of a fancy when Plume eagerly would ask him more about the places he's visited and the people he's met.The mammets would oft times have to shoo the nosy fish away, but that only made them more adamant to prying further. While thankful to their caretakers up to a point- the overstimulated sprout felt more like a science experiment than a being all their own. They weren't sure what kind of life could be had outside the world they knew- but they wanted to make that choice, not have it made for them.One day- the Namazu would push his luck in how far Plume's curiosity was like to go, and after sneaking a Fantasia for them to drink in with his latest haul, the pair both had fled the facility without a look back since.

  • Gyango

The ever obnoxious fish; he has personally claimed the title of Plumeria's "best friend", whether they liked it or not. Strangely they never seem to object, and will even come to the fishman's defense when the wrong words frequently come out of his mouth.While this the entrepreneuring Namazu has no shortage of gig jobs he's worked- from gleaning to carpentry, it's still quite curious where got his endless supply of coin from, regularly funding Plumeria's endeavors throughout Eorzea like his own little pet project.Even curiouser where he seems to even keep it.

  • Occupation

Originally, they had no idea so many jobs existed out in Eorzea, but once they'd seen Gyango's own handiwork first-fin, they wanted to have their own go at his own trade. Trying to follow his same footsteps though led to realizing they have much meeker hands to work with than him, so the talks of trying another craft came into the picture- when they were quickly taken with working textiles instead.It'd been slow and unsteady work when they first began to apprentice under the guild, but what they lacked in strength was made up for in stamina, spending day and night and several days more to quickly picking up the craft and even earning enough keep to rent a workshop of their very own.Since then their focus has been to work with one on one clients, often sent at the guild's as a representative. Back when they were still green to having a small studio of their own- one of their first clients was soon to become much more dear to them than a mere favorite.

  • Goro

A recluse by nature, this stubborn yet soft-hearted Hrothgar won't leave his home for just anyone. It'd only been since reuniting with his younger brother, Graeskar, that from his encouragement he's ventured a little more out of his shell, both for his own sake and that of his daughter Kito.In wanting to celebrate the Starlight season with all his family that year, he'd wanted to get his kid something far more special to wear than he's had for her in the past. Plume was the unintentional first choice, as he hadn't a clue how buying custom clothing even worked, but whether it was an accident or fate- he'd gotten a beautiful gown for his little girl, and a few more friends of the family to celebrate the season with one another.

  • Present Day

Outside of their busybody work as a tailor, or spending sentimental moments with found family, their newest adventures are spent around their partners Oswood Thistle and Graeskar Faeweather. A couple introduced to them by Goro at their own workshop, with just as many or more stories to tell them than Gyango has.While still finding their footing on Lalafellan legs, and lingering doubt over the world they'd left behind, they don't regret the family they've found because of it. Even in sharing their true form from before the Fantasia, they no longer felt belittled or dismissed. Like they were some anomaly to be oogled at.They were just themselves.~




((OOC Bio:))I'm an nby illustrator & motion media artist who's worked in indie game development, and an avid fan of roleplay. I love writing prose and lore in my free time with my partner, who's been the one to not just introduce me to the RP scene in FFXIV, but to the game as a whole! (Only took learning about the abyss that is the crafting system for it to finally click)I'm usually a bit hesitant to dive into more social experiences. Nonetheless if you spot me around a venue with the RP symbol on, feel free to approach! And no doubt my partner isn't too far behind haha! Please just keep interaction prompts PG-13 at most. :>